Does following a vegetarian diet cause hair loss? Increasingly, men and women are paying more attention to the foods they put into their bodies. Some are motivated by ethical reasons, while others simply report feeling better after eliminating beef, poultry, and fish from their diet.
Moreover, there’s a growing interest in becoming a weekday vegetarian. Those who ascribe to this new way of minimal meat claim to enjoy all the positives of a vegetarian diet, while reserving the right to indulge in a burger or a filet on the weekends.
But how do vegetarian diets affect your hair? After all, protein is a vital building block for naturally thick hair. And when it comes to foods that naturally support healthy hair growth, red meat and salmon often top the list.
Vegetarian Diets and Hair Loss
Writing for, Jack Norris RD explains, “Occassionally, women who become vegetarian or vegan report experiencing hair loss.” This could be due to a variety of reasons, one of which is increased soy.
If you are just starting a vegetarian diet, you will likely begin to consume more soy than prior to making the change. According to new research, increasing the amount of soy in your daily diet may adversely affect thyroid health. As a result, the thyroid may become overactive or underactive. Hair loss is often a side effect of both.
Another common problem with new vegetarians is an over reliance on heavily processed foods. This tends to cause a shortage in daily protein, since most Americans are used to filling that need from animal sources. However, cutting animal protein is not necessarily a bad thing.
“Think of the strongest animals on Earth,” says Michelle Carlson, NASM Elite Trainer. “The gorilla, the hippo, and the rhino…all vegetarians. A vegetarian diet can be fortified with plant based protein powders such as hemp and brown rice, and some vegetarians add eggs and milk to their diets a few times per week.”
Cut Meat. Keep Your Hair.
Are you taking up a vegetarian diet? Stay mindful of thyroid health while keeping a well balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and plant based protein. Follow these hair loss prevention tips, and contact a professional immediately upon noticing signs of excessive hair thinning or shedding.
Contact us online to schedule a complimentary hair loss evaluation, or call our office directly at 305-925-0222.