Detect hair loss at home now to better understand your risk of pattern baldness in the future.
Hair loss affects millions of men and women worldwide. For many, the results are devastating. Loss of self-esteem, poor job performance, and intimacy issues are just a few of the most common ways hair loss wreaks havoc on personal and professional life. Fortunately, there is hope.
In many cases, hair loss can be managed in a way that restores confidence and improves overall quality of life. Early detection is critical, however. Hair loss is a progressive condition, meaning it worsens over time. For the best outcome, men and women are urged to perform self-checks so abnormal hair loss can be identified and treated as soon as possible.
Did you know? It is completely normal to lose about 50 to 100 hairs every day. However, hair loss is considered to be abnormal when more than 100 hairs are lost each day. Monitor your hair loss at home or with a physician using one of the techniques below.
Detect Hair Loss at Home
Hair pull test. Grasp a thick clump of hair between your thumb and forefinger. Gently pull outward and away from the scalp. Allow hairs that are firmly rooted in the scalp to pass through your grasp, but maintain enough traction so that loose hairs are pulled clean. About 2-5 hairs will be pulled in a normal adult. Up to 3 or 4 times that amount will be pulled free in adults who suffer with hair loss.
Collecting & analyzing hair. This process begins at home, but analysis is conducted in the office. Monitor sinks, drains, hairbrushes, and pillowcases for stray hairs. Collect them each day, and insert them into a plastic bag (1 separate bag for each day). Perform this for 7 days straight, and bring the samples into the office for analysis.
Are You Losing Hair?
If you notice excessive hair loss, rest assured you are not alone. Millions suffer with this condition worldwide—but it is treatable. Contact us online to schedule a free hair loss consultation, or call our clinic directly at 305-925-0222.