Miami Hair Surgeons Published in “The Clinics”

Miami-Hair-Surgeons-Published-in-The-ClinicsOur Institute saw many exciting developments in 2013, one of is the publication of medical papers by our lead surgeons, Dr. Nusbaum and Dr. Rose. Both surgeons have been published in the August 2013 edition of The Clinics, a leading source for in-depth review and analysis of current technologies and treatments for surgeons, medical professionals, and prospective patients. It is an honor to be published, and we are excited to share the coverage on the Miami Hair Blog.

Among the many hair loss treatments reviewed by hair transplant surgeons Dr. Nusbaum and Dr. Rose, most popular topics include:

  • Low level laser therapy (LLLT) for hair
  • Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) hair loss treatment
  • Robotic follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplants

Read the full press release. We invite readers to learn more about these cutting-edge hair loss treatments by downloading the press release at the following URL: Miami Hair Surgeons Publish Clinics Review Articles

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