Hair loss is normal. For everyone. Most folks, even those with flowing locks or full, robust heads of hair, lose an average of 50-100 hairs every single day.
The fact that we lose hair on a daily basis can make it that much harder to determine whether hair loss is a problem. But evaluating the nature and extent of hair loss is an indispensable step in determining the best approach to the problem.
When you visit the Hair Transplant Institute of Miami for a hair loss evaluation, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of your condition We obtain a detailed medical history, perform an in-depth scalp examination using state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and, if indicated, blood tests to detect any underlying imbalances or deficiencies that may be contributing to the hair loss problem.
But before you schedule your consultation with us, there are tests you can perform yourself that may alert you to the existence of a problem with the strength and vitality of your hair. One of those at-home tests is called the “hair pull” test, also known as the “traction test.”
How to Perform the Hair Pull Test
Here’s how it works. First, make sure you don’t shampoo for at least a day prior to performing the test. Grasp a thick clump of hair (approximately 20-50 hairs) between your thumb, index and middle fingers from the base of the hairs near the scalp. Then, firmly but not forcefully tug the hair away from the scalp. Allow hairs that are firmly rooted in the scalp to pass through your grasp, but maintain enough traction so that loose hairs are pulled clean.
What Do the Results Mean?
About 2-5 hairs will be pulled in a normal adult. Up to 3 or 4 times that amount will be pulled free in adults who suffer from hair loss. So, if you pull more than 10% of the hairs away from your scalp, this constitutes a positive pull test and implies active hair shedding.
A positive result on the hair pull test can be the sign of a range of hair loss conditions, including telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium, loose anagen syndrome, and early cases of patterned alopecia.
Of course, the hair pull test is hardly definitive and results vary from person to person based on how effectively they conduct the test and evaluate the results. This means a negative test may not mean you are in the clear for hair loss. If you have concerns that you are shedding hair at an excessive rate, the best way to determine whether you have an issue is to schedule an evaluation with a hair loss professional who can give you a thorough and accurate assessment and recommend the best course of treatment that can resolve the problem and restore your hair.
Schedule an Appointment for a Hair Loss Evaluation Today
If you notice excessive hair loss, rest assured you are not alone. Millions suffer from this condition worldwide—but it is treatable. Contact us online to schedule a free, personalized hair loss consultation, or call our clinic directly at 305-925-0222.