What Should You Do When You Notice Hair on Your Pillow?

Everyday hair loss is completely normal. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology says the average person loses anywhere between 50 and 100 strands each day. That may seem like a significant amount, but given the average human head has about 100,000 hair follicles, and each follicle is capable of growing about 20 hairs in a lifetime, 100 strands seems minimal in comparison.

But what about when you wake up in the morning and you see more hair than the average amount? And then you notice a general, overall thinning around your part while styling or even patches of missing hair? Don’t immediately panic, but ask yourself the following questions to determine if you’re a good candidate for hair growth therapy or hair restoration.

Have You Been Stressed Recently?

Telogen effluvium, or stress-related hair loss, usually occurs after a trauma that shocks hair follicles to stop producing new hairs. This type of hair loss is named after the final phase of hair growth, the telogen phase, where the hair follicle remains inactive until the regrowth process begins and pushes out the existing hair. Unfortunately for those suffering from stress-related hair loss, the follicle remains inactive because it never cycles back to the first stage (anagen phase) to spark growth.

Potential triggers of telogen effluvium include the following:

  • Physical injury
  • Emotional stress, including a death or lay-off
  • Severe illness
  • Rapid weight loss or change in diet
  • Childbirth and menopause
  • Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
  • Some medications
  • Surgery

Is Your Part Visibly Wider?

Women with long hair who part down the side or center might start to notice a wider part as they age. If you can see more scalp than usual while styling your hair, it’s likely you’re experiencing telogen effluvium hair loss.

Because women aren’t always candidates for hair transplant surgery, non-surgical hair restoration with the is an option. The Capillus272 revitalizes hair follicles to create a thicker head of hair without invasive surgery. Since it’s a mobile cap, the device can be used at home or while running errands without anyone noticing.

Do You Notice Pattern Baldness?

Male pattern baldness affects more than two-thirds of men and is caused by hormonal changes. Luckily, however, not all of the hair falls out. Most often times, a strip of hair around the nape of the neck remains – and can be optimized for transplant procedures.

Men may be hesitant to undergo a hair transplant for fear of a fake, “pluggy” look. At our clinic, lead surgeons Drs. Nusbaum and Rose recognize that follicular patterns vary depending on the individual, in a pattern with varying percentages and distances between hair follicles. By implementing the Mosaic® Hair Restoration technique, our surgeons are able to analyze the pattern of growth in the existing hair to design the most natural looking strategy for the transplant site.

Men undergoing hair transplant surgery that want a boost, or who have recently undergone transplant surgery and want to keep their hair healthy and full might consider the Capillus272 as an additional treatment.

While hair loss at night can be alarming, you aren’t out of options. In fact, our world class team of surgeons will work with you to determine the best procedure to help you regain your confidence. For more information, contact Dr. Bernard Nusbaum and Dr. Paul Rose at 305.448.9100.