Understanding the Importance of Your Donor Area

Hair Transplant Donor AreaIt is understandable that hair transplant patients will judge the success of their surgery largely on the appearance of the transplanted area of their scalp. After all, if the once-balding part of your scalp remains visible, fails to grow hair, or clearly shows that you had hair transplant surgery (think plugs and that “doll-hair” look), you won’t be terribly happy with the results.

But even if you achieve the results you want in the transplant area, you could still be disappointed if the donor area of your scalp is scarred, patchy looking, or otherwise screams “I had hair transplant surgery.” It is critical that your hair transplant surgeon – and you – pay just as much attention to the appearance of the donor area after your procedure as they do to the transplanted area.

What is the Donor Area?

The donor area is found on the back and sides of the scalp where permanent hair growth remains unaffected by male pattern baldness. Since this hair is permanently growing, it makes it ideal for transplantation as it will continue to grow in its new home.

The strength, volume, and robustness of the hair follicles extracted from the donor area of your scalp play a big role in the outcome of your procedure. You could have the best heart transplant surgeon in the world, for example, but if the heart he is going to put in your chest is weak or incompatible, it won’t matter all that much. Hair replacement candidates must have healthy hair growth in the donor area at the back of the head, but other factors such as hair color, texture, and the degree of curliness or waviness can also impact your results.

How the ARTAS Procedure Leaves the Donor Area Looking Healthy and Unscarred

Extracting hair follicles from the donor area without causing damage to the remaining hair in that area or leaving an unattractive scar requires skill, precision, and the latest in advanced techniques and technologies. At the Hair Transplant Institute of Miami, we use a technique called the ARTAS® Robotic Procedure which provides unparalleled results in transplantation while also dramatically minimizing any visible or structural damage to the donor area.

Our Drs. Nusbaum and Rose use the ARTAS system to digitally scan areas of the scalp, identifying hair in its natural groupings. In the ARTAS procedure, selected follicular units are precisely removed from the donor area with an image-guided 0.8-1-millimeter circular tool in a scattered pattern, leaving most hair in place so that the area retains its original natural appearance.

One of the key advantages to the precision of the ARTAS procedure is that it eliminates the linear scar associated with traditional donor strip harvesting. Because scars are tiny and dot-like in appearance, the donor area on patients who undergo a hair transplant using the ARTAS system should look unscathed and give patients the freedom to wear shorter hairstyles post-operation.

For results just as impressive in the donor area as they are in the transplant area, the ARTAS procedure is, quite simply, unmatched.

Schedule an Appointment for a Hair Loss Evaluation Today

If you are concerned about your hair loss and are ready to do something about it, we invite you to schedule a hair loss evaluation at the Hair Transplant Institute of Miami. Drs. Nusbaum and Rose are internationally acclaimed hair restoration surgeons with more than 40 years combined experience. Both Drs. Nusbaum and Rose are actively engaged in hair loss research and lecture widely. To receive a personalized evaluation and treatment plan, contact us online or call our office directly at 305-925-0222.